Site icon Episcopal Church of St. Martin

Mid-Week Update

Dear Ones,

I hope this message finds you all well and staying safe. My own experience of our “new normal” is that I feel more connected with others than ever–just not physically! So I’m trying to remember that “physical distance,” which is saving lives, is not the same as “social distance,” which is very hard on our souls.

One of the things that has been keeping me grounded and giving my days a wonderful rhythm has been praying the Daily Office. For us as a community, the online offering is every weekday morning at 8:30 and every weekday evening at 8:30, via Zoom. (Instructions are included elsewhere in this email.) Please note that you don’t even need a computer or a fancy device to join Zoom–you can use a regular old-fashioned phone to call in! And if you are on a computer but you’re camera-shy, there’s a way to turn off the camera. I hope you’ll join us as often as you can.

We’re also planning to livestream our Sunday morning service again at 10 o’clock. We’re continuing to cut down on the number of people physically in the building and being very careful about keeping physical distance. We all long for the days when the pews will be full again, but until then, this is a very real worship experience. If you weren’t able to join us last week, you’ll want to go to the website and watch the video or listen to the podcast. Ernie’s sermon was fantastic and Suzanne’s solo simply exquisite. Bravo–and brava, too!

We’ll send out another email on Friday with more updates and more links. For today—enjoy the sunshine. Call a friend. Better yet, call someone who would never expect you to call. Be well.

God’s love and blessings,


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