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Local Opportunities to Assist Others During This Time

Ways to Help!

Davis Community Meals continues to serve the most vulnerable in our community in these uncertain times, and St. Martin’s plays a crucial role in this. We are looking for a few more volunteers to help on Saturdays 11-12:30 and Thursdays 5:30-6:30 with packing and handing out bagged lunches, as well as making sure the parish hall gets cleaned and closed up properly. This very simple role one Saturday morning a month, for just a few hours, makes this service to the community possible. If you’re interested, please contact Laura Meinzen-Dick or– you’ll be trained on the details, including social distancing precautions!

Stay in Touch with Other Parishioners

In this time of social distancing, platforms like Zoom, FaceTime, or Messenger can be used to reconnect with family and friends. Gather online with a few others for a virtual coffee hour after our livestream service on Sunday. Or host a virtual brunch, dessert, or game night. Accounts on platforms like Zoom are free (

Personal Protective Equipment

Health care professionals have put out a call for donations of homemade face masks and face shields. A group of Davis High School lacrosse athletes have joined forces to make face shields and seek donations for this endeavor, contact them at:

 A group from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health has compiled a list of hospitals seeking home made face masks, with pattern information included click here. And if you have a stash of N95 masks from the recent fire season, UC Davis Health is collecting donations of unopened masks, shields, goggles, and suits. Contact Carole Hom for information about how to donate.

“Every person…every week…one item of Food.”

The Social Justice and Outreach Committee wants to remind everyone that we are continuing to support our local food banks—Dixon Family Services, STEAC, and the UCD Pantry—during this exceedingly difficult time.

All food banks are experiencing huge demands on their food supply.

Janet Lane has offered her front porch as a drop-off location for our weekly non-perishable food donations (her address is in the St. Martin’s Directory). Please support this most important outreach project as you are able.

It has also come to our attention that some local families whom we have helped in the past are experiencing particular needs. If you include any of the following items in your donations, we will see that they get delivered to those families: dry pinto beans, dry black beans, cooking oil, and Maseca (also labeled “Masa Harina” which is used for making homemade tortillas and tamales). Thanks so much for helping support families experiencing food shortages.

Davis Community Meals:

Yolo Food Bank 

As of 4/14/2020, Yolo food bank is in need of more drivers (great, if your car is spacious, but just any car is already helpful!) for the following food delivery locations:

Wednesday (Davis)

Thursday (West Sacramento) *massive needs

Friday (Woodland)

If you can help out, please sign up at —Click on the red box “Volunteer for COVID-19 responses”

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