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The Good Book Club: The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020

Are you interested in joining others from St. Martin’s and the Dioceses in studying the Gospel of Matthew during this Easter season? At St. Martin’s we’ll be meeting via Zoom to reflect on the readings and discussion questions of The Good Book Club: The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020 on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm. We’ll begin the class on Tuesday, April 29.  If you are interested in joining this group, please sign up by Monday, April 28 with either the office at or Helen Campbell.

The primary resource for this class is either through the book or through the daily podcasts.

A Journey with Matthew:  This is the companion book that Bishop Megan recommends to aid your study. It has the daily readings along with a reflection and some questions to reflect on personally. You can order a hard copy through Forward Movement (Stan Forbes has also offered to purchase them at cost through his bookstore The Avid Reader) or you can get a kindle version through Amazon.

The daily podcast is identical to the book and includes the readings reflections and questions. It’s available here.

Other resources are available on the Forward Movement website, including information about a free 6-week online class on the Gospel of Matthew starting Thursday, April 23. Participation in this Church Next class is not necessary to be part of the Good Book Study and is entirely optional for those wishing to join the St. Martin’s study…and it might be a better option for some of you for whom our Tuesday night sessions will not work.

We hope you’ll join us for this walk through the Gospel of Matthew!

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