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Message From the Curate: A Christmas Blessing

Merry Christmas!


I hope you all are taking time during these 12 days to rest and to rejoice…and that those of you who are struggling or mourning during this time may be comforted by Christ’s presence. I want to commend to you all the announcements below about the many wonderful formation opportunities coming up in January. I hope that you prayerfully consider where the Holy Spirit is inviting you to grow and deepen your faith as we enter the season of Epiphany: the season of discovery, revelation, awe, and wonder.


I will close with a blessing I offered on Christmas morning. This comes from the Black Rock City Prayer Book:


The world now is too dangerous
and too beautiful for anything but love.


May your eyes be so blessed you see God in everyone.


Your ears, so you hear the cry of the poor.


May your hands be so blessed
that everything you touch is a sacrament.


Your lips, so you speak nothing but the truth with love.


May your feet be so blessed you run
to those who need you.


And may your heart be so opened,
so set on fire, that your love,
your love, changes everything.



In peace,


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