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COVID Update From Our Rector, the Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan

COVID Update from the Rector
January 6, 2022
The Feast of the Epiphany
Dear Ones,
I’m sure it is stating the obvious to say that we’ve all been keeping an eye on this latest Omicron-fueled wave of COVID cases and wondering if, or when, it would require us to make more changes to our worship practices. In consultation with the rest of the staff, I’ve decided that that time has come. We are moving our services online beginning this Sunday, January 9.
We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at 10 am; you can participate via Zoom or Facebook Live. I’m working with the choir and other worship leaders to sort out the details, which could well change from one Sunday to the next. We will do our very best to keep you informed via email as the situation evolves. Worship bulletins and details about how to connect will be available tomorrow on our website and via email, as has been our pattern for much of the last two years.
Our altar guild chair has graciously agreed to be in the narthex from 2:30 to 3:30 pm on Saturday for those who wish to pick up pre-consecrated hosts for Home Communion. We will not be taking reservations (at leasts for this week) but will make them available on a first-come, first-served basis.
I know it is disappointing to have to return to online worship, and I do hope that it will only be for a matter of weeks this time. When the weather warms up a bit, we will also be considering outdoor worship as another option.
As much as we need the spiritual nourishment of worship–and I believe with all my heart that time spent together in a community of faith, singing, praying, and sharing stories, is a foundation of human flourishing–we must also prioritize physical health and safety. Online worship is not a perfect substitute for in-person worship, but it is a great gift nonetheless. It is perfectly possible to grieve what we are losing in this moment while also being grateful for what we still have, and hopeful for what we will have again in the future.
During this season of Epiphany, we look for the moments when God breaks into the ordinary routine of our daily lives. Let’s focus on that in the coming weeks–that God is with us, manifest among us, in all times and all places.
Peace be with you, dear people of St. Martin’s, the deep peace that surpasses all understanding and transcends all our circumstances.
Epiphany blessings,

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