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A Thank You from the Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan

Rooted in Faith, Growing in Hope, Reaching Out in Love:
A Thank You from the Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan

Dear Ones,

You’ve all heard me talk about us as a parish that is rooted in faith, growing in hope, and reaching out in love. Several examples of that were on full display this past weekend. I’m going to pick three to share with you in chronological order, although I’m sure you could think of many more.

To begin with, we’re reaching out in love. On Saturday, March 26, we had over 50 people turn out for a Parish Garden work day. What can I say other than “wow”! This was a genuine act of love–love for the place where we gather as a community and love for one another. Our Buildings and Grounds Chair, Janet Lane, said that “many remarked on how nice it was to work together and visit in person” and emphasized how collaborative, productive, and fun the experience was. In addition to being an act of service and an opportunity for fellowship, this work day helped provide a beautiful welcome to all the people who use our space and who will be joining us for worship in the coming weeks. My sincere thanks to everyone who came out, and for all the great work you did.

Our commitment to being “rooted in faith” was evident at Sunday morning’s worship services, which were well attended both in person and online. I need to commend especially our amazing choir and Jeffrey and Suzanne Jubenville for the music at the 10 o’clock service–once again, it was remarkable. During our closing hymn, “Amazing Grace,” I was torn between belting out one of my all-time favorites (checking first that my microphone was turned off!) and dissolving in happy tears. It was all just sublime.

And “growing in hope” could have been the title of a meeting that took place right after church, as a followup to the Ministry Council and Vestry’s leadership retreat earlier this month. We began formulating specific goals around the regathering, rebuilding, and reconnecting we want and need to do, in the context of a world that has undergone extraordinary change since March of 2019, which was the last time that the Vestry had an in-person retreat together. There were people in the room who have been coming to St. Martin’s for decades and others who joined us at the height of the pandemic. It’s a wonderful group of leaders who care deeply about the church and one another.

Thanks to all of you who are finding so many ways to participate in the work of the church and to follow in the footsteps of Jesus through prayer, worship, formation, and fellowship–not to mention choir practice, work days, and meetings! You’re an inspiration.


(Photo from Canva)

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