Site icon Episcopal Church of St. Martin

2022 Ministry Interest Survey

As part of our move into a practice of year-round stewardship, the Stewardship Committee, the rector, and several lay ministry leaders have collaborated to develop the 2022 Ministry Interest Survey.

We see this as an invitation to all St. Martin’s parishioners to consider what other gifts – alongside the financial gifts that are pledged so generously each fall – we each have to offer.

In addition, this is also how we are going to update our church directory. We are really hoping for 100% participation in order to make sure that we have everyone’s correct contact information!

We invite you to take a few minutes to fill out the survey online:

Hard copies are also available in the narthex for those who prefer them. Once completed, you may return these to the church office.

We are asking that everyone please complete the survey by Monday, May 16 so that we have time to collate responses prior to the ministry fair that we will be hosting on Pentecost Sunday, June 5.

Thank you, in advance, for participating, and we hope you enjoy this chance to reflect of your own talents and interests as the gifts they are to our church community!

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