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Announcing New Interim Treasurer!

Spreadsheet and Calculator for interim treasurer announcement

A Message from Pamela+ Announcing a New Treasurer and a Request

Dear Ones,

I’m writing with information about an important leadership transition in our parish and with a request. You may already know that our long-time treasurer, Julie Knudsen, is stepping down when her term on the Vestry ends next month. She gave us ample notice, and yet finding someone to fill her shoes has proven exceptionally difficult. Fortunately, another very capable member of our Budget and Finance Committee (and former Junior Warden), Jessie Ann Owens, has agreed to serve as Interim Treasurer for the coming year.

First and foremost, we should all extend our heartfelt thanks to Julie for her extraordinary and generous service. And next goes our thanks to Jessie Ann, who has always shown herself to have a steady, insightful, and strategic approach to her work on behalf of the parish.

Now for the request: we are looking for more members for our Budget and Finance Committee and our Investment Committee. You don’t need to be a financial wizard, but it’s best if spreadsheets don’t send you running! During this time of transition, we really need more people putting their oars in and helping to keep us moving forward.

One important resource at our disposal is that we have contracted with Chazin & Company for management of the accounting and reporting functions that have taken much of Julie’s time. This does not negate the need for a Treasurer, as well as the committees named above, but it does mean we have significant assistance in the necessary tasks involved in running a church of this size.

As Jessie Ann says, “By instinct and training I am more at home with Word documents than with spreadsheets, though as a former administrator I have had considerable experience with budgets. I think that the combination of Chazin and our two wonderful administrative staff, Gabe and Janet, will make it possible for a humanist like me to take on the role of treasurer; indeed, the changes in our systems are an opportunity to rethink the functions of the treasurer. But I can’t do it alone.”

It will only take a few more volunteers to fill in these two important committees—perhaps people who have served as treasurers for other organizations or who have experience with investments or who understand the importance of a budget as a mirror of priorities. Jessie Ann’s promise: “These jobs will not be overly time-consuming and they will be interesting and rewarding. What better way to be a good steward for a church we all hold dear?”

Please reach out to Jessie Ann or to me if you are interested and willing to learn more. Other current members of the Budget and Finance Committee are Julie Knudsen, Neil Willits, and Chris Reynolds.



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