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A Message from the Belfry

The Belfry building

Greetings from your friends at The Belfry!

With classes starting on the 27th, I would like to introduce myself, what The Belfry has to offer–for students and others. My name is Ben Brophy, and I’m the Peer Minister for this 2023-2024 school year. I’m a fourth-year student at UCD majoring in Genetics and Genomics with a minor in Anthropology. I come from a military family, so I’ve moved around quite a few times. I’ve been attending The Belfry since Fall 2021 and couldn’t be more thankful for this community. 

This Thursday, September 28th, we have our annual walk-away taco dinner. Starting at 5pm, we’ll have a taco building station beneath our wooden Belfry sign for grab-and-go tacos. We’ll also have chairs and tables for folks to sit around and chat. We’ll wrap things up around 7pm and, for folks who want it, we’ll transition inside for a short healing service with Holy Eucharist. We are located at 216 A Street in Davis.

 On Mondays from 10am – 1pm, we’re offering our Grad Writing Program. Meeting in the living room of The Belfry, this is a peaceful and quiet space for folks to sit down and get some work done. Although geared towards grad students, the space is open to anyone. On Thursdays starting October 12, we’ll have our usual 6:30 services and 7:00 dinners at The Belfry. On December 7th, we’ll have our end-of-the-quarter Supper Eucharist. Then, for finals week (December 11-15), we’ll have our 4-7pm grab-and-go dinners. We’re still working on the times for Queer Theory Bible Study and Pub Theology, but they will likely be on Tuesdays. Additionally, we will host a ‘Make Your Own Healing Oils’ event sometime this quarter. 

We have completely revamped our Instagram. Please make sure to follow us @thebelfryucd. We post regular updates and info about all our events. Additionally, if you’re a student who wants to connect with us, please fill out this form. We will be taking people out to their choice of coffee, boba, or ice cream. 

If you have comments or questions, you can also contact our Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Portia Hopkins, at Portia can get a message to me.

If you would like to support our efforts at The Belfry, you can make a charitable donation using this link

Blessings on your journey,

Ben Brophy 🙂

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