02 February 2025, the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Audio recording of the 10am hybrid/streamed service, sermon by the Very Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan
Service Bulletin:
Where’s the Music?
Prelude (“Li’l Boy, How Old Are You?“, African American Spiritual, “Magnificat”, by Jonathan Alfred Clawson Redford, at 0:00,
Opening Hymn, at 7:41,
Song of Praise, at 10:34,
Sequence Hymn, at 16:31,
Music during Prayers, at 30:33,
Anthem, “The Seven Joys of Mary“, arr. by Richard Shephard, at 52:13,
Offertory response, at 55:43,
Communion music, at 1:00:54,
Closing hymn, at 1:10:05,
Postlude (“O sanctissima, O piissima, Dulcis Virgo Maria“, arr. by Jeffrey Jubenville, at 1:13:43.