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Ongoing Formation Activities at St. Martin’s

Living Compass:

Are you looking for something to help you keep your sanity through this time of social isolation? Living Compass is excited to offer a 28-day e-Retreat on “Contemplative Practices and Well-Being”  through a private Facebook Group. The first of the 28 reflections and contemplative practice suggestions will be posted on May 4, 2020, but you can join the group now.

Many of you know Living Compass from the multiple programs we have offered here at St. Martin’s, particularly during Advent and Lent. Their programs are designed to help us navigate a holistic approach to wellness in this complex world; you can learn more about the organization here.

To get more information and to join the private Facebook group for the 28-day eRetreat Contemplative Practices and Well-Being, click the link below.

Many thanks to Helen Campbell for making us aware of this opportunity!

The Good Book Club: 

Are you interested in joining others from St. Martin’s and the Dioceses in studying the Gospel of Matthew during this Easter season? At St. Martin’s we’ll be meeting via Zoom to reflect on the readings and discussion questions of The Good Book Club: The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020 on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm.

Learn more here .

Inwardly Digest: 

Whether you are just beginning to explore the Episcopal Church or are a “cradle Episcopalian,” you can always learn more about the Book of Common Prayer. Join the rector and others as we use the book Inwardly Digest: The Prayer Book as Guide to a Spiritual Life by Derek Olsen as our guide to this jewel in the crown of Anglican spirituality.


Our Wednesday night class continues to meet via Zoom. We’re shifting from talking about the Daily Office and the Psalms to talking about the theology and structure of the Eucharist. if you’re interested in joining us, please contact the rector ( and she’ll send you the link. You do need a copy of the textbook (can be purchased online; also available as an e-book). All are welcome!

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