Site icon Episcopal Church of St. Martin

Podcast: 28 May 2023, the Day of Pentecost

28 May 2023, the Day of Pentecost

Audio recording of the 10am hybrid/zoom service,  sermon by the Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan

Service Bulletin:


Where’s the Music?

Prelude (from “Veni Creator Spiritus“, by Nicolas de Grigny), at 0:00,

Opening Hymn , at 14:35,

Song of Praise, at 18:27,

Psalm 104, at 27:00,

Sequence Hymn, at 31:21,

Hymn (Procession to the Font), at 46:14,

Anthem  “E Ho Mai”, by Edith Kanaka’ole, “Dakota Hymn“, arr. by Suzanne Jubenville) at 1:04:41,

Offertory Response, at 1:09:36,

Sanctus, at 1:11:21,

Fraction Anthem, at 1:16:26,

Communion music, at 1:17:43.

Closing hymn, at 1:26:41,

Postlude ((from “Finale sur le théme du Veni Creator“, by Maurice Duruflé), at 1:29:22.

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