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Podcast: 12 January 2025, the First Sunday after Epiphany

12 January 2025, the First Sunday after Epiphany

Audio recording of the 10am hybrid/streamed service, sermon by Anthony Amato

Service Bulletin:


Where’s the Music?

Prelude (“Toccata on Regent Square”, by Lani Smith, “Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam“, by J S Bach, “Prélude sur l’Introït de l’Épiphanie“, by Maurice Duruflé, at 0:00,

Opening Hymn, at 7:53,

Song of Praise, at 11:38,

Psalm 29, at 16:40,

Sequence Hymn, at 19:38,

Hymn during Asperges, at 41:10

Anthem, “Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day“, by John Gardner, at 56:25,

Offertory response, at 58:58,

Sanctus, at 1:00:26,

Fraction Anthem, at 1:05:39,

Communion music, at 1:08:00,

Closing hymn, at 1:18:47,

Postlude (“Postlude on Caithness“, by Healy Willan, at 1:21:16.

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