(530) 756-0444


Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is responsible for publicity for St. Martin’s. Committee members publish contributed articles in the monthly newsletter, maintains the web site and facebook page, and advertises special services in the local newspaper.

New process for submitting announcements

To streamline the process for editing and publishing communications, we are implementing a new system, effective immediately.

If you have information you want the church to send out, please fill out the form at https://bit.ly/3iLIpYW

The form asks you to provide us with the info for your communication and select the method you want to use (such as bulletin, Facebook post, etc.). If you have questions or problems with the form, you can email communications@churchofstmartin.org or call the office during work hours.

Deadline:  Monday at 5:00pm for the communication to be published for the upcoming Sunday.

This gives us adequate lead time to draft and edit your announcement, but earlier is always better! Thank you for your cooperation as we transition to this streamlined process.