Care for Creation Lenten Activities Calendar March 23, 2020-March 28, 2020

Monday:  Yesterday was World Water Day. Observed annually, today we recognize how people around the world are affected by water issues:

Tuesday: Give up two degrees (one on each end): for every degree the thermostat is below 68 in the winter or above 78 in the summer there’s a 3-5% savings in energy use and cost.

Wednesday: Many of the actions necessary to care for God’s creation require coordinated, collective action. Often, government is the best instrument for such action. Check to make sure your voter registration is current, and prepare to vote in every election. Find information at

Thursday: Lower the temperature of your water heater to 120 degrees.

Friday: Check the light bulbs in your house. Are they the most efficient possible? Energy savings from LED light bulbs pay off quickly for God’s creation and your energy bill.

Saturday: Begin the process of thinking through how to give away unneeded clothes, bakeware, and other goods to people who could use them, and rethink, reuse, and recycle other items. Learn more at