Online Interfaith Candle Light Vigil to Honor Black Lives and End White Silence

This event is offered in response to a nationwide call from Standing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) for white people to #endwhitesilence about racism & white supremacy and stand in solidarity with the international calls for justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and the many others killed by police.

The event will feature local leaders from nine faith groups and community organizations offering prayers for justice and reading names of Black people who have been killed. The event will also include an installation of over 1000 candles spelling out “Black Lives Matter” and “End White Silence.”

Participants are invited to watch the live-steam, light candles at home, donate to black-led organizations supporting protestors on the ground, become active in ongoing efforts to increase police accountability and move public funds away from policing and into education, mental health, healthcare, and housing, and pray for justice.

Hosted by
Celebration of Abraham ~ Congregation Bet Haverim
Davis Community Church ~ Davis Muslim DEIN
Davis United Methodist Church ~ St Martin Episcopal Church
The Belfry Lutheran/Episcopal Ministry ~ The Cal Aggie House
Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis