Information about in-person worship

We know how eager people are to come “back to church”  and we are pleased to share with you the most current guidelines we have established for in-person worship. These guidelines will take effect on Easter Sunday (April 4, 2021) and will continue until further notice.

Worship will be held outdoors, on the LabyrinthSee this link for the layout of our worship space. Each square is for two adults, OR one adult and a child, OR one adult and two children. If your party is larger than this, you will be given either multiple squares or a family space.

In order to make attendance equitable for all, St. Martin’s will use a lottery system. Please follow this link to add your name to the master list if you would like to attend the Easter Morning Outdoor Service. Please fill in the registration form no later than Wednesday, March 31 at 5:00 pm. You can also call the office at 530-756-0444 or email A randomized group of people will be selected to attend. If your name is drawn for the lottery, you will be contacted by the office and asked to confirm your reservation.

The following protocols are in place:

  • All participants will be required to complete a health form when they arrive at the service; those who do not wish to fill in a form or who answer “yes” to screening questions will be asked to leave the grounds.
  • You will be required to wear a mask while on church grounds and use hand sanitizer prior to entering the labyrinth. Please maintain a distance of 6 feet from other households; we ask that there be no physical contact with people outside of your household. 
  • Please arrive 15 minutes early to facilitate proper seating. The walkway will be marked for social distancing upon arrival.  The closest parking is near the STEAC building at the rear of the parking lot. 
  • Upon arrival, head to the usher station on the sidewalk near the east of the Labyrinth. There, you will complete your health check form, pick up your pre-consecrated hosts, and receive your seating assignment. An usher will direct you to your seat and will coordinate dismissal. Please stay seated until it is your turn to leave.
  • A worship bulletin will be available in advance on our website. You can print it out and bring it with you, or view it from your mobile device. If you do bring a printed bulletin, please take it home with you for disposal.
  • There will not be a collection, but instead, the offering plate will be at the entry table for you to provide your offering.
  • There will be no music at the service.
  • We will not have a restroom open for public use. We cannot offer childcare at this time.

If you have or develop COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days of the service that are not due to a pre-existing chronic condition, please email or call the office at 530-756-0444. 

 We are profoundly grateful to everyone who helped us sort through the many decisions necessary to create these guidelines.