A Letter to the Parish from the Stephen Ministry Leadership Team

A Letter to the Parish from the Stephen Ministry Leadership Team

For nearly twenty years there has been Stephen Ministry at St. Martins providing high quality, confidential, Christian caregiving to those who are hurting for whatever reason. Stephen Ministers undergo extensive training and receive ongoing supervision and continuing education. Many parishioners have been involved in the program, either as a care receiver or a Stephen Minister and sometimes both. Those of us working within the Ministry have found it to be a very powerful tool for sharing Christ’s love and a privilege to be present with others as they experience some life-changing challenges.

Sadly, our program has been floundering for a few years, even before the pandemic. Even though there may be a need, many people who were offered a Stephen Minister preferred not to take advantage of the program and others appeared reluctant to identify as needing our support. It became increasingly clear that Stephen Ministry is not a good fit for our parish at this time.

So it was with sadness that, in 2021, our Stephen Ministry Team prayerfully discerned that we needed to suspend the program. This decision was not reached lightly and was solely that of the Ministry Team with the full support of our clergy.

Within the Caring Ministries committee, we are currently exploring different ways to assist the clergy in providing pastoral care.  We already have several programs (such as Helping Hands and the St. Martin’s Messengers) and hope to expand these to meet the needs of our congregation more fully.  Stephen Ministry has provided many of us with skills that can be used in many other contexts and so we feel privileged and grateful to have been part of it.

If you have questions, please do reach out to one of the Stephen Leaders or Clergy.

If you have a personal need or are going through a crisis or challenge do not be discouraged that the ministry has been suspended. Please still reach out to clergy who will be able to assist you.

If you feel you have a calling to be involved with our Caring Ministries, we would like to hear from you.

Yours in Christ,

Stephen Ministry Leadership Team

Gabe Avila,
Diane Bamforth
The Ven. Margaret Grayden
Carla Harris