Spring is a particularly beautiful time at Forbes Ranch, with lots of blossoms! Our Care for God’s Creation team invites you to come for rest and restoration in the refreshing outdoors. Come see how the “ranch” is really an operating almond farm and stroll around the 15 acres that St. Martin is leasing. Invite family and friends. Bring whatever you need to be comfortable in the wild: picnic chairs, blankets, etc. We have several events lined up, including a Spirituality in Nature Gathering (SiNG) and the construction of a new arbor.
Upcoming Events at the Ranch:
Saturday, May 18, 2024. Time TBD.
Please join us for our monthly Spirituality in Nature Gathering (SING!), on Saturday May 18th, at the Ranch, time TBD. This will be a short, informal worship service and opportunity for reflection in the beautiful almond orchard at the Forbes Ranch in Esparto, followed by a picnic dinner.
Ranch Address: 19100 County Road 86A in Esparto 95627
For more information about Spirituality in Nature Gatherings, please see here.
Ranch Update March 2023
Our work on the arbor is going very well. Thanks to almost 20 volunteers (a majority from Boy Scout Troop 466) last Saturday we got a significant amount of construction done. All the holes are now dug. The remaining tree poles need to be “planted” (ten of them need to be peeled). Two tasks remain: attaching the tree poles on the top into two concentric circles with 2x4x8” beams and connecting the circles as well. The final touch will be tying rope over the screws to keep the organic appearance.
To read more about the construction of the arbor at the Ranch, please see here. Arbor construction is based on plans by the Sogorea Te Land Trust.

Barn Taize
Car pools are encouraged. Please contact Janet Lane in the church office to RSVP: info@churchofstmartin.org or 530-756-0444.
19100 County Road 86A
Esparto CA 95627
The fine print: Toilets and running water are in working order. Dogs on leashes are allowed. Please respect the privacy of the two tenant residents on the property. Do not use their playground space and keep distance from the horse.
Directions from Davis:
Covell west, lean to R when road splits for Winters
Pass 505
Right at 89 (Stop sign)
Left at 25
Right at 86A (end of road, no outlet)
Look for a tall white tower on the left before the canal.
Returning to Davis, go right on 86A from the driveway. Turn left on 31. (It becomes Covell after the STOP sign).