A Message from the Rev. Pamela

Below you can find a message from the Rev. Pamela. These are sent out every Friday in our newsletter and updated here.

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Message from the Rev. Pamela from June 28, 2024:

Dear Ones,

I’m in Louisville for one more day and truly can’t wait to see you after I get back into the office on Monday! It will be so good to be reunited with my family and all of you after what feels like a very long General Convention.

It’s been an eventful ten days, to say the least. I’ll share more details once I’m back home, but for now I want you all to know that my main takeaway is that the Episcopal Church is in very good hands. Our Presiding Bishop Elect, the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, is an extremely faithful, bright (some say brilliant!), and courageous follower of Jesus. Our President of the House of Deputies, Julia Ayala Harris is smart as a whip, an able communicator, and has learned much in her two years on the job. They are both unwavering in their commitment to an honest assessment of where our Church is and are well equipped for the challenges of getting us where we need to go. They are also both people of humor and grace.

Grace was the word that kept coming back to me during our final Eucharist this morning—the grace that shines out from the face of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry; the grace of my fellow deputies, especially those from Northern California, as we learned to get to know each other and work together for the common good; the grace of all of you, and especially the Vestry, staff, and clergy, working to keep things moving forward in my absence; and of course the grace of God, who promises to be with us at all times and in all things, a promise we can count on.

Blessings, peace, and grace to you,
