St. Martin’s News

St. Martin’s News: 1/5/2025

Here you can find weekly news and upcoming events at the Episcopal Church of St. Martin’s. This changes every week.

First Sunday at 10am with Pop-Up Choir
This Sunday, January 5, at 10am, we have a First Sunday service, meaning the service is a little shorter and more accessible to all ages, especially the youngest in our congregation. This week, in place of a sermon we’ll have a brief explanation of Epiphany, and our Prayers of the People will be interactive. We will also have a Pop-Up choir. Anyone in the congregation can come up and join the Pop-Up choir for the offertory anthem. If possible, please come to the rehearsal before church at 9:30am (in the church), but you are still welcome to sing if you cannot be at the rehearsal. At 8am, we’ll have our traditional Rite I service with a full sermon, as usual.

Los Tres Reyes Magos (The Three Wise Kings) Epiphany Evening Prayer and Bonfire
This Sunday, January 5 at 5pm, join Rev. Pamela for an Epiphany Evening Prayer service, with a special visit from Los Tres Reyes Magos (the Three Wise Kings). At the end of the service, we’ll celebrate together by making s’mores around the bonfire. If possible, RSVP to the church office so we know how many to expect (but you are still welcome to attend if you do not RSVP). We’ll be done by 6:15pm, so that those who have school or work the next day can get home early. 

Annual Meeting Reports Due Friday, January 10
Our Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 26 during the 10am service. Please be there to have a voice in church governance and to help elect Vestry members and Diocesan Convention delegates. If you are a parishioner and wish to serve, please see the announcements below about how to nominate yourself or someone else. If you are a ministry leader or chair of a committee, please submit an annual meeting report to the church office by January 10.

Nominate Yourself or Someone Else for Vestry
The Vestry is accepting nominations for the 2025 Vestry. Serving on Vestry gives you a role in ensuring that St. Martin’s does its best to care for the parish, the larger church, and the community. To nominate yourself or another parishioner, e-mail the church office ( and include as much of the following information as possible: a) name of nominee, b) nominee’s email and phone, and c) ministries the nominee has been involved in (St. Martin’s or elsewhere). If you are nominating someone other than yourself, please talk to them first and get their permission to nominate them. We request your nominations no later than January 10.  Questions? Speak to a Vestry member or contact the church office.

Also Seeking Diocesan Convention Delegates: 
At our annual meeting on January 26, we will be electing not only Vestry members but also lay delegates to Diocesan Convention. This year, the Convention will be November 7 – 8 in Redding. Delegates also attend an online pre-Convention convocation on a Saturday morning in November. If you wish to serve as one of our six lay delegates to Diocesan Convention, please let the church office know of your interest by January 10.  

Sign Up Now! Meals for the Davis Winter Shelter January 12-18
St. Martin’s is joining a rotation of faith groups and other organizations in providing one week of food for guests of the Winter Shelter located at Paul’s Place (1111 H Street). Thanks to all those who have already signed up. We still need main dishes for Tuesday (1/14) and Saturday (1/18) plus side dishes, salads, desserts, and breakfast items to-go for several nights. Sign up in the church narthex on Sunday or via email with the church office for one dish to serve 10 adults. Food can be home-cooked or purchased and needs to be delivered to Paul’s Place between 6pm and 6:15pm on your day. Questions? Talk to Janet Lane or Bob Polkinghorn or contact the church office (; 530-756-0444).

Save The Dates
Presentation by Principal Conservator of Nzilani Glass, Sunday, January 19, 11:30am. Ariana Makau will show pictures and talk about our ceiling stained-glass window and its recent cleaning and restoration.
Tree Planting Day at Forbes Ranch, Monday, January 20, 10am – 1pm. Join Rev. Pamela and others at the Ranch. Lunch provided for those who RSVP to the church office.
Evening Prayer with Bishop Megan, Wednesday, January 22, 5:30pm. During the service, Rev. Randy Demary, a hospice chaplain who attends St. Martin’s, will be received as a priest in the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Northern California.

New Church Office Hours
The church office is open from 9am – 1pm (instead of 9am to noon) Monday – Friday. Stop by in person or contact the office at 530-756-0444 or