Introducing the Capital Needs Discernment Task Force

Vestry News and Review:
Introducing the Capital Needs Discernment Task Force

A message from Elise Keddie, member of the Vestry

During the summer of 2024, the Vestry established a task force to explore and consider capital needs for St. Martin’s facilities. This action initially was prompted in consideration of the ongoing stained glass window restoration project. The task force was charged with considering facility needs in relation to our mission as a parish.

The Capital Needs Discernment Task Force members are Gabe Avila, Beth Capell, Pamela Dolan, Jim Jordan, Elise Keddie, Tony Miller, and Neil Willits. We meet monthly and have used a curriculum developed by Rooted Good ( to inform this process. The task force developed a set of questions for meetings with partner organizations using St. Martin’s facilities providing information on future needs.

The task force continues to consider what is needed to build the community in the next 3-5 years. To date, we have identified three project areas for further exploration:

  • Housing
  • Climate resiliency
  • Supporting current ministries

To be clear, we are still at the exploring and early discernment stage of this process. We hope this process will set a path for future work and prepare us for St. Martin’s at 100 in 2053 (gasp). We want and need your thinking and visioning for St. Martin’s in the next 3-5 years. A set of small group discussions, both in person and on Zoom, will be scheduled in the coming months. I’m happy to talk with folks at church or outside of church.  You’ll find me in a choir robe on Sundays.