16 February 2025, the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
Audio recording of the 10am hybrid/streamed service, sermon by the Ven. Margaret Grayden
Service Bulletin:
Where’s the Music?
Prelude (“Invocation“, “Chorale Prelude on Liebster Jesu”, by George Walker, at 0:00,
Opening Hymn, at 8:33,
Song of Praise, at 11:26,
Psalm 1, at 15:47,
Sequence Hymn, at 18:35,
Offertory Hymn, at 42:18,
Offertory response, at 45:44,
Sanctus, at 47:04,
Fraction Anthem, at 51:34,
Communion Anthem, “Beatitudes“, by Arvo Pärt, at 53:26,
Communion music, at 1:01:18,
Closing hymn, at 1:04:10,
Postlude (“My road has its crest and its groundswell“, by Arvo Pärt, at 1:07:09.