Bishop’s Book of Dreams: Holy Ground Living Classroom

We are excited to announce that the Bishop’s Book of Dreams was released this week and our wish to create a Holy Ground Living Classroom is one of twelve proposals featured this year!

The Holy Ground Living Classroom will be a project that spans the missions of all the ministry areas at St. Martin’s and that will provide an outdoor space for visitors of all walks of life. Our hope is that the space will place great emphasis on care for God’s creation and host learning and prayer events for a range of topics, including those covered in our educational Garden Talks. Holy Ground will find its home outside the chalk board that many people in Davis have already grown to love and use as a way to center their prayers and devotions. Watch our proposal video to learn more:

You can also read more about the project on Page 15 in the Bishop’s Book of Dreams.

Our goal is to raise at least $5,000 to build the Holy Ground Learning Classroom so it can support the growth, education, and formation of generations to come. To help our dream come true, you can donate to the project here.

You can also help by sharing the info about our dream with your friends and family and through social media. Thank you for your support!

IMPORTANT: The giving form can be used to donate to any of the twelve featured dream projects. You will need to select the respective dream to which you would like to contribute in the “Give To” drop down box. For example, our project is titled “Holy Ground Living Classroom, St. Martin’s, Davis.” If you would like to contribute to more than one dream, you will need to submit separate giving forms for each project.