Guest Preacher and Adult Forum, Sunday, February 23 The Rev. James Richardson will be our guest preacher at both services on Sunday, February 23, the Sunday the rector and vestry are away on retreat. Rev. Jim is the former Interim Dean of Trinity Cathedral in Sacramento where he now serves as an associate. Before he was a priest, Rev. Jim was a senior writer with The Sacramento Bee. After the 10am service, he will hold an adult forum in Room 6/7 on his most recent book, The Abolitionist’s Journal: Memories of an American Antislavery Family. The book is about his nineteenth century antislavery Methodist ancestors and how their story has shaped his story. Jim’s ancestors used their house on the Underground Railroad; his great-grandfather served as the chaplain to a Black Union regiment in the Civil War, and then after the war, the family founded a college for the previously enslaved in Austin, now considered one of the Historic Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).