(530) 756-0444

Social Justice and Outreach Committee

St. Martin’s has deeply embedded within its culture a long history of commitment to social justice and outreach, including an annual donation of church funds that is distributed according to Matthew 25:35-36:

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.”

This annual distribution of funds has been part of the fabric of St. Martin’s since 1967.

Poster with “Every person…Every week…One item of food-” and donations of food.

The Social Justice & Outreach Committee promotes justice, peace, and love in the St. Martin’s community and beyond through a combination of advocacy, direct service, and financial support, which includes striving to donate 10% of our parish budget.

The Social Justice and Outreach Committee provides opportunities for all at St. Martin’s to live out our faith by being Christ’s hands and heart in the world. In our role as a Jubilee Parish, we strive to help “the least of these.”

A person accepting a meal at DCMH.

We work to discern how best to serve those in need through financial and in-kind support, and by building connections between our parish and community organizations. In addition, our members work with and support a number of community and Diocesan organizations.

If you have questions about social justice and outreach at St. Martin’s, or would like to join our efforts, please reach out to Diana Glick at info@churchofstmartin.org.

Looking for a way to help?

The Social Justice and Outreach Committee would like to remind you of our long-standing program at St. Martin’s to help three local food closets on a rotating basis: STEAC (located on our campus), Dixon Family Services, and the UC Davis Pantry. We ask that you bring a non-perishable food item each week when you come to church. The collection basket is in the narthex. Your donations help us put our faith into action and are greatly appreciated!