Our affiliations in social justice ministry
- Welcoming the Stranger: Immigration and Refugee Ministries, a committee of the Commission on Intercultural Ministries of our Diocese, informs congregations in the Diocese about needs for advocacy and action related to issues of immigrants and refugees. Several St. Martin’s parishioners and clergy serve on this Committee.
The Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network (YIIN) was begun in 2008 by a group of people from several religious groups in Davis, including a large contingent from St Martin’s. YIIN members serve and advocate for immigrants in Yolo County, run an ESL program and after-school program at the Madison Migrant Center, and coordinate a visitation program for minors held at Juvenile Hall due to their immigration status.
The Short-Term Emergency Aid Committee (STEAC)provides immediate, short-term emergency aid to Yolo County families and individuals with incomes at or below the federal poverty level. STEAC provides help with food, rent, utility payments, and job readiness. STEAC’s food distribution center lies in a new pre-fabricated building on our campus.
Davis Community Meals and Housing serves dinner in St. Martin’s parish hall every Tuesday and Thursday, and lunch on Saturday, and in addition, runs an emergency shelter, transitional housing, and a resource center in Davis.
For many years there has been a humanitarian crisis at America’s southern border as immigrants flee countries plagued by poverty, corruption, crime, violence – and, increasingly, climate change too.
The Families Together Project began in February 2019 when St Martin, Davis received a request from the U.S. nonprofit Al Otro Lado seeking home sponsors for families separated by deportation at the U.S. Border. Our goal is to back two families as they pursue their refugee status in the US and to provide for and build a loving community of support in Davis. The project has thrived thanks to the generosity of other faith congregations (the United Methodist Church, Unitarian Universalist Church, Bet Haverim and Davis Community Church) as well as many volunteers throughout the community.
We quickly found volunteers to welcome the first family at the Sacramento Airport in early March 2019. The parents carried just two zipper bags and the hands of their children, ages 5, 7, and 9 with a new baby on the way. The mother of the second family was being held at the Imperial Detention Center. We launched a campaign and lobbied for her release. The mother was released and arrived in Davis mid-April 2019. Her son is still waiting to come to the US. We continue with this program and plan to support the two families until they gain self-sufficiency. It has been a wonderful experience!
If you have any questions: please email the FTP Coordinator, Lynn Zender or info@churchofstmartin.org.