(530) 756-0444

University ministry

We are proud to work together with our nearby university to build a stronger community.

The Belfry building

University students attend St. Martin’s as regular parishioners and also participate in campus ministry at The Belfry, the Episcopal / Lutheran campus ministry at UC Davis, where the Rev. Dr. Portia Hopkins is the Chaplain and Program Director.

St. Martin’s supports the Belfry with prayers, time, talent, treasure, and love.

About The Belfry

The Belfry is a safe space, where everyone is welcome.

We are a diverse community of people from many backgrounds: people with an established faith practice, people exploring the possibility of faith, or people of no particular faith at all.

The Belfry is a brave space, where everyone has a voice.

We are committed to LGBTQIA+ affirmation, interfaith conversations, and racial justice.

The Belfry is a peaceful place, where everyone can find their center.

We invite you to come by to sit, visit, nap, study, snack…or even pray.

The Belfry is a sacred space, where everyone is invited to encounter God.

We have a eucharist service and dinner together every Thursday night during the academic year. Please feel free to join us for worship, or dinner, or both, beginning at 6:30 PM.

We’re located at 216 A Street, across from Young Hall, between 2nd and 3rd Streets. You also can find us on Instagram at thebefryatucd and online at thebelfry.org. Contact Portia by email at pastor@thebelfry.org or phone at  530-756-1550.