(530) 756-0444

Worship ministries

Sunday worship services involve contributions from many willing hands. We’d love to have you join us!

If you feel called to serve in these ministries, please contact The Rev. Margaret Grayden, our deacon, at margaret@churchofstmartin.org.

Wondering what it takes to make a service run smoothly? These are the volunteers that make it happen!

Acolytes assist clergy by carrying the cross and torches in procession, and help with setting the altar at Eucharist. We welcome children in fourth grade or higher and adults to serve as acolytes.

The Altar Guild prepares the altar for the regular Sunday services and for special services. They periodically polish the silver vessels used at Eucharist and brass pieces used throughout the liturgy.

Audio/Video technology volunteers record Sunday services and post the recordings on the church website as podcasts. For some homebound parishioners, these podcasts provide a substantial and meaningful source of comfort that helps them remain connected to the parish community.

The Flower Guild provides floral arrangements for the altar for all services and seasons, with additional supplemental arrangements at Christmas and Easter.

Healing Ministers are licensed lay ministers who offer anointing, laying on of hands, and prayer for the healing of body, mind, and spirit during Holy Communion on Sundays.

Lectors read the the Old and New Testament lessons each Sunday. Our lectors span all ages — including some who need to stand on a box to reach the lectern. Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People.

Ushers help keep the liturgy flowing smoothly at Sunday services and provide a friendly welcome to visitors and newcomers. Do you enjoy chatting with people? Talk to one of the clergy about becoming an usher!

At all services on Sunday, lay Eucharistic Ministers assist clergy with serving communion.