2019 Lenten Project: Help the Davis Migrant Center

Every Spring, about 64 migrant farmworker families take up residence in the Davis Migrant Center. While the children and youth attend the public schools in Davis, there is a real need for homework support and enrichment programs for them. For the past several years, a group of volunteers led by Natalia Deeb-Sossa, an associate professor of Chicano/a Studies at UCD, has brought such programming to the Davis Migrant Center.  This summer Natalia plans to lead a photojournalism project for the young people at the migrant center.

Our Lenten Project will be twofold:  we will collect money to help finance the photojournalism project, and we will also collect in-kind donations  for other programs for children and youth at the Davis Migrant Center.

The “wish list” and a creative way to decide what to purchase are displayed in the Narthex (the entry area where the big baptismal pool is located). Don’t forget: if you choose to provide items instead of a monetary donation, please stick to the wish list and please
provide new items. Checks should be made out to St. Martin’s with “Lent Project” in the memo line. Thank you in advance for your support!