Vestry Report

The Vestry met on the third Tuesday of Advent. Appropriately, the meeting began with a Bible study of the Annunciation as described in Luke 1:26, 30.

A presentation was made by the leaders of the Scout Troop 466. St. Martin’s presently hosts two scout troops, Troop 139 and 466.  Of the two, Troop 466 is chartered by St. Martin’s. What was sought was an additional charter for an affiliate troop of 466 to be composed of girls.  Hearing of the positive experiences had by the members of Troop 466; the proposal was endorsed by the Vestry.

The future make-up of the Vestry was discussed. The names of parishioners who possibly could become members of the Vestry were suggested, and different current Vestry members volunteered to contact them. It was emphasized that as long as an individual was above the age of 16, youth should not be a hindrance to being on the Vestry.

A separate sheet making it easier to detail one’s qualifications for being on the Vestry is to be inserted in the Bulletin.

The Stewardship Campaign continues to actively work towards its ultimate goal.  It was decided not to conclude the campaign until it could be assured of what those who had previously pledged were going do this year.  As has been done before, it was agreed that when completed an evaluation of the campaign would be worthwhile.

The budget was reviewed including a two per cent COLA for Administration, the Curate’s salary, and the Rector’s health insurance. The Church’s investment yield although positive was judged to be low and will continue to be monitored.  Given its current status of the budget it was felt that should a shortfall occur it could be met.

The Rector informed the Vestry of Diocesan resources for evaluating mutual ministries.  It was noted by the All Are Welcome Committee of the importance of building relationships within the Parish.  It was decided to further explore the connection between building relationships and stewardship.

As a part of the Rector’s report, the opportunities provided by participating in the activities of Farm Davis (25450 County Road 95) were described.  The description fully met with the Vestry’s approval.

The meeting was closed in prayer led by the Deacon.