Podcast: 17 July 2022, The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

17 July 2022, The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Audio recording of the 10am hybrid/zoom service,  sermon by the Rev Dr. Pamela Dolan

Service Bulletin:


Where’s the Music?

Prelude (John Bennett  “Adagio”, Louis-Nicolas Clerambault “Recit de Nazard” ), at 0:00

Opening Hymn, at 6:34,

Song of Praise, at 9:28,

Sequence Hymn, at 18:08,

Anthem (Herbert Howells “My Eyes for Beauty Pine”), at 47:01,

Sanctus, at 50:50,

Communion music, at 56:14,

Closing hymn, at 1:03:17,

Postlude (Camille Saint-Saens, “Prelude in E-flat Major”), at 1:06:48.