Podcast: 10 December 2023, The Second Sunday of Advent

10 December 2023, The Second Sunday of Advent

Audio recording of the 10am hybrid/zoom service; sermon by the Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan

Service Bulletin:


Where’s the Music?

Prelude (“Choral Prelude on Land of Rest”, by Richard Donovan, at 0:00,

Opening hymn, at 5:34,

Song of Praise, at 9:58,

Psalm 85 at 15:34,

Sequence hymn, at 19:04,

Anthem (“Dearest Lord Jesu” by Johann Sebastian Bach, at 44:04,

Offertory response, at 46:54,

Sanctus, at 48:42,

Fraction Anthem at 53:32,

Communion music, at 54:36,

Closing hymn, at 1:04:22,

Postlude (O Come, O Come, Emmanuel“, by Evelyn Simpson Curenton), at 1:06:57.