Podcast: 18 August 2024, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

18 August 2024, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Audio recording of the 10am hybrid/zoom service, sermon by the Rev. Ernie Lewis

Service Bulletin:


Where’s the Music?

Prelude (“Fugue on O God Our Help”,  “Sleepers, Wake! a Voice Astounds Us“, by J S Bach, at 0:00,

Opening Hymn, at 8:11,

Song of Praise, at 11:43,

Sequence Hymn, at 16:52,

Anthem (“Panis Angelicus”, by César Franck, at 42:00,

Offertory response, at 45:53,

Sanctus, at 47:35,

Communion music, at 57:54,

Closing hymn, at 1:00:20,

Postlude (“Fugue on O God Our Help” (conclusion), by J S Bach, at 1:03:13.