St. Martin’s News

St. Martin’s News: 9/22/2024

Here you can find weekly news and upcoming events at the Episcopal Church of St. Martin’s. This changes every week.

Upcoming Events

Worship in the Parish Hall begins Sunday, September 29: What to Expect
The cleaning and restoration of our ceiling stained-glass window will begin this coming Monday, September 23, making September 22 our last Sunday in the church until the project is complete. Rest assured that all of our Sunday services will continue in the parish hall, uninterrupted and at their regular times. We are working hard to make sure all goes smoothly but wanted to let you know to expect the following changes during our time in the parish hall:

We will not be livestreaming our services. However, we will be recording our 10am service and posting it on YouTube on Sunday afternoon or Monday. You can view the recordings on our channel at this link:

The deacon will not be reading individual prayer requests in church. These requests will still be prayed during the week. Also, we will allow ample time during services for you to share individual prayer requests either silently or aloud.

We will be reserving space for wheelchairs, walkers, and individuals with limited mobility along the side aisles on both sides of the parish hall.

The choir will be seated in the back section of the parish hall. This allows them to be close to the piano and to our music directors.

The choir will be rehearsing in the Dona Brandon music room starting on Thursday, September 26 at 7pm.

We will need ONE volunteer parishioner each Saturday (9/29, 10/6, 10/13, and 10/20) to help set up at 2pm. You will be working with three other people who will show you the ropes. We expect set-up to take an hour or less. Please contact Janet in the office if you can commit to one of the Saturdays (

We will also need help in putting away chairs after the 10am service on Sundays. We hope that those who are able will help us. This should go quickly.

“Make Me an Instrument of Peace: A Guide to Civil Discourse” Starts Sunday, October 6
For three Sundays in October, Rev. Pamela will offer a class designed to be helpful during the election season and the generally contentious times in which we find ourselves. We’ll meet in Room 6/7 at 11:30 to watch and discuss short videos on topics such as “Context Matters,” “Tenets for Civil Discourse,” and “Values-Based Conversations.” We’ll take a break on October 27 as we celebrate Dia de los Muertos, and then finish up on Sunday, November 3. This is a drop-in class; come when you can, as you are, ready to listen deeply and be heard with respect.

Other Upcoming Events
“Love God, Love God’s World.” Begins September 24 at 7pm on Zoom. A nine-session course on creation care and environmental ministry taught by Rev. Pamela and Miriam Casey. Only a few spots left. Contact Rev. Pamela right away if you are interested (

Showing of Documentary Film, The Philadelphia Eleven, Sunday, September 29 at 4pm at St. Martin’s. Learn about the first women ordained as priests in the Episcopal Church, with guest speaker The Rev. Canon Mary Goshert, a short discussion, and refreshments after the film. Free and open to the public.

Note Change! Blessing of the Animals, Sunday, October 6 at both Sunday services in the parish hall, 8am and 10am, and at 5:30pm outdoors.