26 January 2025, the Third Sunday after Epiphany
Audio recording of the 10am hybrid/streamed service, sermon by the Rev. Dr. Portia Hopkins
Service Bulletin:
Where’s the Music?
Prelude (“Surely Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow Me Always“, by Christopher Tambling, “Go, Tell It on the Mountain”, arr. by Jeffrey Jubenville, at 0:00,
Opening Hymn, at 5:58,
Song of Praise, at 8:31,
Psalm 19, at 14:30,
Sequence Hymn, at 21:03,
Anthem, “How Beautiful Upon the Mountain“, by John Carter, at 58:35,
Offertory response, at 1:01:53,
Sanctus, at 1:03:18,
Fraction Anthem, at 1:08:09,
Communion music, at 1:10:03,
Closing hymn, at 1:20:16,
There was no Postlude, due to the Annual Meeting.