Families Together Project Fundraiser: The Final Tally Is In!

Thank you to all who made the Families Together Project: An Evening with Charlie Bamforth a smashing success. We ate well…very very well, enjoyed a spectacular silent auction, laughed as we learned more about beer than we thought possible, and had a marvelous time. Many thanks to the donors, volunteers, and attendees who made it happen, especially Stefan Harvey and Garda Johnson, who oversaw the menu and food preparation; Elise Keddie, and Kim and Dave DeYoung, who put together the auction; Steve Burns, the DeYoungs, Stefan, and Garda for recruiting enthusiastic volunteers; Steve, who put together the website for online ticket sales; Neil Willits, who coordinated set-up and clean up; Carole Hom, Lynn Zender, and Susan Padgett, who drummed up enthusiasm for the entire works; Julie Saylor and the UU Quilters for their gift of a stunning quilt; Diane Bamforth for her guidance; and Charlie Bamforth for his good humor, knowledge, and wisdom.

total: $9,481.88
auction: $2,185
quilt: $1,045
tickets: $4,470
online sales: $1,781.88

Less our truly paltry expenses of $204.48, we raised $ 9,481.88 for our work in supporting family reunification. Thank you again to all!