Podcast: 16 April 2022, The Great Vigil of Easter

16 April 2022, The Great Vigil of Easter

Audio recording of the 8pm hybrid/zoom service,  sermon by the Rev. Casey Kloehn Dunsworth

Service Bulletin:


Where’s the Music?

Opening chant (Exsultet), at 2:22,

Hymn (Canticle 12), at 14:13,

Hymn (“When Israel was in Egypt’s Land”), at 21:16,

Hymn (“Breath of God”), at 28:30,

Hymn (“He is Risen”), at 34:38,

Sequence hymn, at 39:23,

Anthem (Martin Shaw, “With a Voice of Singing”), at 59:22,

Sanctus, at 1:03:47,

Fraction Anthem, at 1:09:00,

Communion music, at 1:10:22,

Closing hymn, at 1:14:30,

Postlude (Beck, Geiseke), at 1:17:09.