Podcast: 04 February 2024, The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

04 February 2024, The Fiffh Sunday after Epiphany

Audio recording of the 10am hybrid/zoom service; sermon by the Rev. Dr. Pamela Dolan

Service Bulletin:


Where’s the Music?

Prelude (“Four Improvisations on Gregorian Marion Melodies“, by Flor Peeters, at 0:00,

Opening hymn, at 10:02,

Song of Praise, at 12:37,

Sequence hymn, at 20:20,

Anthem (“This Little Light of Mine “, arr. by George Mawbry), at 48:05,

Offertory response, at 51:23,

Communion music, at 57:49,

Closing hymn, at 1:05:33,

Postlude (“Impression Grégorienne“, by Felix-Alexandre Guilmant), at 1:07:55