Podcast: 28 March 2024, Maundy Thursday

28 March 2024, Maundy Thursday

Audio recording of the 7pm hybrid/zoom service; sermon by the Rev. Ernie Lewis

Service Bulletin:


Where’s the Music?

Prelude (“I Stand at the Threshold”, “O God Be Merciful to Me”, “When Thou Art Near”, “Come, Sweet Death”, by J.S. Bach

Opening Hymn, at 12:52,

Kyrie, at 15:09,

Sequence Hymn, at 20:35,

Music during foot washing, at 33:57,

Anthem (“Little Children, Says Holy Mother”, traditional Shaker tune, at 57:45,

Offertory response, at 59:44,

Communion music, at 1:05:43,

Anthem (“Come mourn with us”, by Hal Hopson), at 1:14:07,

Psalm 22, at 1:21:19.