St. Martin’s News

St. Martin’s News: 4/26/2024

Here you can find weekly news and events at the Episcopal Church of St. Martin’s. This changes every week.

Pentecost Sunday, May 19
On Pentecost we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the apostles. This great feast day is also known as “the birthday of the church.” We will have readings in World Languages during church and festivities afterwards. Wear red and bring cupcakes to share!

Seeking Readers of World Languages for Pentecost Sunday
Our Pentecost services on May 19 will include parishioners reading one line of scripture in a variety of languages. If you are willing to serve as one of these readers at either or both services, please let the church office know no later than Monday, May 6. Carole Hom, who is organizing, will be in touch and will provide the verse in the language of your choice. Please plan on a short rehearsal after the 10am service on May 12.

Pentecost Family Gathering
Also on May 19, we invite all St. Martin’s families with youth or children to a pizza party after the 10am service. We will meet in Room 6/7 or out on the Great Lawn. If you wish to bring picnic blankets and chairs, please do so. There will be some children’s crafts and activities. At this event, we would like to hear your input on upcoming youth, children, and family activities and formation. Please help us plan accordingly by providing an RSVP to the office at as soon as possible.

A Place at the Table: Sharing a Meal with Fellow Parishioners
|It’s time to renew our fellowship program, A Place at the Table! We are seeking parishioners who would be willing to host potlucks at their house a few times a year. If you would like to host but don’t have the space in your home, an outdoor location or a room at church is an option, as well. The number of potlucks may vary depending on the number of volunteer hosts. We hope to revise the format of these gatherings so that a potluck will be offered once a month and interested parishioners can RSVP. If you would like to join the group of hosts, please contact the office at or (530) 756-0444.

Graduating? We’d Love to Congratulate You!
We would love to recognize any recent or upcoming graduates (high school, university, and any other) at our services on June 2. Please let us know about your accomplishment by emailing the church office at and, if you are comfortable, include what school you are graduating from and degree(s) earned.

Save the Dates! Worship and Events Now through June

Sunday, May 5: First Sunday, Rogation Sunday, and Scout Sunday. The first Sunday in May coincides with Rogation Days, one of the times set apart by the Church to pray for farms, gardens, and church grounds. We will also use that Sunday to welcome our Scout Troop!

Tuesday, May 7, 6:30pm, Seeds of Justice Discussion Group. Seeds of Justice, our land-based ministry program, is partnering with YoloSol to discuss the book, Know We Are Here: Voices of Native California Resistance, The reading assignment for this last session is the “Solidarity” reading.

Saturday, May 18: Rogation-themed Spirituality in Nature Gathering at Forbes Ranch. A short, informal worship service and opportunity for reflection in the beautiful almond orchard at the Forbes Ranch in Esparto, followed by a picnic dinner.

Sunday, May 19: Pentecost Sunday. Wear red and bring cupcakes to share! See announcement at top for details.

Sunday, June 2: Ministry Fair and End-of-Year Picnic. A combined service at 10am only. This will be a First Sunday, a Ministry Fair, and a celebration marking the end of our program year.

Updates on Stained-Glass Window Restoration Project
We are posting updates regularly on our website. You can read about the formation of a Stained-Glass Window Task Force and other updates here: